3v3 Spring League and Skills

Join us at the Pond for our 7 week Spring League and skills series. Each Tuesday night will be a one hour skills session followed by a 1 hour 3v3 cross ice game.


Divisions will be based off the 2025/26 USA Hockey guidelines.

8U-2017's through 2020

10U-2015 & 2016's

12U/14U- 2011 through 2014


•6:05 to 7:05pm On ice skills in which kids will be divided into groups based on age and or skill level.

•7:05 to 7:15pm Ice Cut / Break

•7:15 to 8:15pm Cross ice 3v3. 10U and 12/14U divisions will play cross ice in both zones. 8U will play in the middle neutral zone.


The Pond Ice Rink

9999 E Washington St

Chagrin Falls, OH 44023


7 Week Program.

6:05pm to 8:15pm every week

Tuesday March 18th

Tuesday March 25th

Tuesday April 1st

Tuesday April 8th

Tuesday April 15th

Tuesday April 22nd

Tuesday April 29th

3v3 and Skills 2025

7 week 3v3 Spring League & Skills at the Pond

Weekly drop in rate: $65

Goalies: 50% off $32.50

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